A Silent National Crisis

Ten thousand Americans will turn 65 every day for the next 30 years – a total of 76 million people. The oldest Baby Boomers and millions of the remaining parents will need assisted care at the same time, most are facing financial shortfalls exacerbated by double-digit annual healthcare cost increases.

The greatest pain point is low income. How do we administer healthcare and house low income seniors in rural and suburban areas? 70 percent of U.S. seniors live in these areas.

People over 60 who are renters grew by 43 percent over the past decade. Seniors are downsizing at record levels as they worry about their financial situation and their basic quality of life.

Some are already forced to choose between expensive prescription medications and food. Seniors, their families, the healthcare industry, and private and public insurance programs will face daunting challenges for decades.

The healthcare industry has poured billions of dollars into leading-edge advances that cure disease and prolong life. Our elderly are now living longer but not healthfully.

Pills wrapped in money

Has our congregate institutional care model played out?

Coronavirus image
Seniors and families concerns have been vividly heightened they are looking for new safer care options.

Less than 1% of America’s population lives in long term care facilities, as of January 14, 2021, this tiny fraction of the country accounts for 37% of all U.S. COVID-19 deaths.

“This tragic devastation wrought by the Coronavirus on nursing homes residents exposes America’s over-reliance on institutional long term care facilities. Residential care will be always be an essential part of the care continuum, but our goal must always be to give residents options that help keep our loved ones in their own homes and communities for as long as possible.” Seema Verma, Administrator, US Centers For Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS)

Baby Boomers
Turning 75
Seniors Not Wanting
0% +
Institutional Care
National Survey
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How will we afford to care for the tens of millions of seniors safely who will need care in the coming years, far beyond our present 1.7 million institutional beds that must be reserved for the most acute cases. Where will the other millions go?

The Thrive Center

This video was made by an independent non-profit group not affiliated with Living Solutions or it’s employees. While viewing it you quickly realize two things. They paint the challenges facing aging seniors well. And they clearly advocate and validate the need for products and services like ppod. This video could have easily of been a paid commercial for ppod.